Growing Old Gracefully

Growing old gracefully. What is it? What does it look like? How do I achieve it? I think it can look different to everyone. To some it is the look of youth, however that is brought about. To others it is keeping up with current fashion trends. I think it is found in keeping ones self in a good mental, physical, emotional and yes, even spiritual place.

Let’s face it, growing old can really be no fun at times. I’m in my fifties, but I feel like I’m in my twenties. I think that I have the same physical capacity as I did then, until I have to do the work. Then, and only then do I realize that twenty was quite a long time ago. Things take a little longer now. I may not be quite as strong as I was back then. Sometimes as we grow older, we need physical help to maintain a happy, independent lifestyle. There is really no shame in that. Life is fleeting, get the most out of it no matter what assistance you may need to achieve the quality that you desire.

At the same time, getting older can be pretty cool. I have much more wisdom now. The years of experience have granted me that. With knowledge comes power. That’s one thing I learned from ” Schoolhouse Rock”. We need to use our knowledge to stay mentally aware and keep an active mind. Learn something new. Be curious about things and find out more about them. I try to keep a young mind. I am always interested in learning more about things that randomly pop into my mind by then looking them up.

As we grow into older sge, emotionally life can get difficult. Friends, family, those we love start to leave us. Depression, anxiety and loneliness can creep in. We are designed for relationship. Knowing when to seek help at this time is enormous. There are so many places that can help. So many great therapists that can help with the tools to help you through. Yes, there can be a stigma attached to seeing a mental health professional. I am an advocate for anything that will help me through the hard times and make me a happier person. I have been in therapy before, it’s not easy, but it can be the best gift you give yourself for good emotional health.

Wherever you are in your spiritual walk, keep it going. Keep your eyes up and a spirit of gratitude and gratefulness in your heart.

So, as I work through this dance we call life with all of you, I pray that we can all figure out what growing old gracefully looks like and how to best achieve it to make this life an enjoyable one.