Vacations, we all love them, live for them, can’t wait for them. The anticipation of the week away transcends all time. Where to go? What to do? Vacation planning is magical. The dreams, anticipation and expectations all participate in their own way to make vacation time so special, adding some spice to life.

In late winter or early spring we sit down with the old paper atlas and try to figure out a vacation plan for the upcoming warm months. We live in northern Ohio where the winters are harsh, so vacation planning is a wonderful break in the midwinter. Just to let our imaginations go wild. We have our atlas, so we can go anywhere! Let the good times roll. We generally don’t do much vacationing each year. We have the business that we run, so we don’t like to be away for an extended amount of time. Just usually a week away with maybe some long weekend getaways mixed in for a little extra fun. Last year, we planned four long weekends away for vacation. which worked well with our busy schedule. We enjoyed our time away and it was all very good.

This year started like any other. We took out the old atlas, sat down and began our planning phase. Little did we know what chain of events would be coming. We generally make a plan, budget for the plan and stick to said plan.
For a few years now, we have been planning a trip to Charlotte, North Carolina with a beloved cousin and her husband. You see, once every three years the Cleveland Browns play the Carolina Panthers. The game locations get alternated between Charlotte and Cleveland. Work had moved these family members to the Charlotte area, and the job that the one has, is very challenging and demanding, but she loves it and that is all that matters. They moved into Panthers territory, but remained devoted Cleveland Browns fans. So, in January, being the start of the vacation planning phase, we reached out to budget and schedule time in Charlotte for the game, knowing full well that she is very devoted and works very long hours which is very respectful, especially in today’s society. We didn’t hear back, so keeping Charlotte in the back of our minds, the vacation planning continued.
After many evenings of deliberation, a road trip to Boston was the winner. We had this plan for a few years, but never acted on it. This year it was to be the vacation destination. The plan… backroads road trip. As little highway as possible. Enjoy small town america. See the small cities and towns along the way. Take our time and enjoy the experience together. (The details of this adventure will be featured in a future article. It was beyond great.) There will be so much to see and do. This was our summer get away. Our one week away. then back to business as usual until next years vacation. Ahh, let the summer vacation dreams commence. We will make the most of it because, after all, this only happens one week a year, right? Yea, right!

One day before leaving for our Boston trip our Charlotte cousin texted; remember Charlotte? She said that they were gifted tickets to the Browns game by a colleague. Oh, my! How wonderful! The first game of the season in North Carolina! Warm weather and football all in the same day! The game that we had been waiting for! It seemed as if all the planets aligned. Panthers… first game… warm weather football… once every three years… Absolutely! We are all in! Road trip in September! After all this only happens once every three years, six years until it will be in Charlotte again. And, it is now on the calendar. Vacation number two. Glad that we only vacation once a year for about a week. Right?

Day number two into our backroads trip, we were just settling down in Pittsfield, New York for the evening when my phone rings. It is our cousin that lives in Chicago. He was planning a cookout for the family because his siblings were to be in town from New Zealand and Japan. The scheduled date was three weeks after our return from our “once a year” vacation. Of course we will be there! We wouldn’t miss it for the world! The last time we saw the New Zealand and Japan families it was in 2016! Not to mention, Chicago is an amazing city. Go to visit family in Chicago? Yes, Please! The date was set for three weeks after we return from our Boston trip, and three weeks before the Charlotte Football Weekend. And, it is on the calendar. Vacation number three. So glad that we only vacation once a year for about a week. Right?

All in all, we had an amazing summer. Many one week vacations, unexpected as they may have been, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Lesson learned this summer, that unexpected vacations can be so special. You have to make time for the events with extended family while you still can. No one is promised tomorrow. Remain flexible. Learn to go with the flow. I think that it is important for us to not be so regimented in our lives. It is the little unexpected treats that we allow ourselves to experience that adds that little bit of spice to our life and I truly believe age to our years. So, go enjoy the unexpected and get a little spicy.